Let me start by telling you I was raised by 2 smokers and in a state that keeps the tobacco industry in business. I have never smoked myself, but can still tell you about my silent research project as I have paid more attention to this population over the past year or so... I have my 2 year old telling his NaNa and PaPa "ewww Icky Sticks" everytime they light up in hopes they quit some day.
So here is what I don't understand if you have ever meet a smoker they will start by telling you they are "quitting" then they will talk to you about how the government is taking away their

rights... they raise the price of cigarettes, you can't smoke in public places,blagh blagh ,blagh. So as I have been gathering information here is a good reason SOMEONE needs to take away their rights... First of all you never throw away your butts instead you throw them on the ground where ever they may land. Where I work they moved this whole population out to the sidewalk... thank god away from the doors. Now they walk out there and spend 30 min puffing away and bam throw it down..it looks like paper confetti out there. So really you have the right to go smoke 5 times a day 2and a half hours plus a lunch break. humm Next thing I don't get people drive down the road with their windows cracked or down smoking and their hand doesn't move from that window to ensure the smoke is going out the window...REALLY maybe you should roll it up and take in ALL that nicotine. If you don't want it in your car you think the rest of us want to smell it? Then once again they cant put it out in their car and carry around the butt in the ole ash tray (not many new cars even have an ash tray, get the hint?) they throw it out the window. So here is another thing.. I am glad they quit the smoking in restaurants... it never fails a smoker has to be the fastest eater on earth.. I look up and just got my steak cut and the smoker is saying as they have already lit their cigarette.."umm you don't mind do ya?" little late there don't ya think? as you get a smoke ring in your face. For the most part as a kid I never really noticed any of this I just went along with my parents and thought all was good... but now as an adult with my own little ones. I just don't get this population of folks they seem to get more and more disrespectful of my rights as a non-smoker. I have a ton of friends who smoke, I have friends who are closet smokers, I have friends who chew the gum... they are all my friends doesn't mean I agree and I tell them, too.
Smokers spend a fortune a month on smoking, it is filling up their lungs like suet, most of the ones I know have an awful cough sounds like they are going to loose a lung, I think you infringe on the rights of those who are not smokers, your home smells god awful, your breath stinks and you can smell you a coming, you liter the place we live with those dern butts and the smoke itself. Most of all it is interesting that most of them never see any of this as an issue..they are so used to the habit now that is is all normal life. When you mention it again you hear " oh I am cutting back, or quitting" yeah right! I even have a girlfriend who goes as far as to buy the gum that is 30 bucks a box and she goes thru a box of gum in 2 days... really??
So to the damn smoker who was under a umbrella blocking the door in the pouring down rain this morning to get one last puff off a damn stick that is killen your ass.... get the hell in your car roll the windows up and choke.. I don't want to have to walk thru the crap nor do I want to have to step on the butt as I leave for lunch. I have rights too ya know....