Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Big Muscles

Dinner is always such a challenge at our house with an active 2 year old boy who had rather be outside collecting bugs, along with all the other moving pieces a 9 month old, cooking dinner, trying to do a load of laundry, just picking up and cleaning. We are on him seems like almost every night about eating all his last week he decided to be a full blown 2 year old and protested eating. I gave him his choices eat or go to bed. So poof guess what? He found himself in bed at 6:30 flat.. no questions ask no second chances. Every since that night Cooper has been the best eater and he will tell you "mommy, me no eat me go to bed" Yep that is right little man. One of the things we have been telling him over and over about eating all his dinner is that he will get big muscles. Well this kinda backfired on me this week but is so funny... Cooper can't drink juice or milk while he is eating dinner cause he seems to fill up on it and doesnt eat. If he eats everything he gets his drink.. so in the middle of dinner he had eaten alot and ask me for a drink of my tea. After his drink of tea he said mommy "duess what?" Me belly has food and tea going sheewwhsshhh like dwat (doing circling motions with his little arms). So I ask him "Cooper if you eat all your food what does that mean?" thinking I was going to get the answer "me get big muscles Mommy" BUT NO that is not what I got at all... here is what I got " goes out me ding ding and bootie" Ummmmm yeah that would be the correct answer thanks for filling me in sweatheart.

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