Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thankful for...

One of my girlfriends has posted on facebook everyday for the entire month of November what she is thankful for each day. As I get hers each day I have been reflecting on our year and our blessings and thought what a great idea. So I thought I would share our blessings this year and what I am thankful for...

  • I am thankful for my kids and their health
  • I am thankful for my health
  • I am thankful to have such a great husband
  • I am thankful for such a supportive family and to be so close to them
  • I am thankful to be surrounded by such good friends
  • I am thankful god gives me enough strength some days to put up with the assholes (some days I am not sure he hears me!)
  • I am thankful for my wonderful job that I truly enjoy~
  • I am thankful I am able to see the sun come up every morning and the moon shine every night

I know I have missed a bunch of things to be thankful for we have had alot of blessings this year and alot of challenges. They say god gives us no more than we can handle and OBVIOUSLY he thinks I am one strong woman BUT we are hoping for a much better year next year my muscles are just wore out. :0)

God bless you all ....I HOPE YOU ALL HAVE A WONDERFUL TURKEY DAY..Gobble Gobble.

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