Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Tis the Season~

The stockings are hung, tree is decorated, Egg Nog is spiked...let the family arrive and the festivities begin. I had the best time yesterday as I shopped for a group of 6 boys who have no family for the holidays. We adopted a cottage and bought gifts for them all... I just can't wait for them to open their gifts. The funny part of the story was as I was checking out with gobs and gobs of gifts "The Grinch" was behind me in line grumbling as I got a gift reciept for each gift.. REAllY?? Then he went ahead with a smart comment how my kids were going to have a good Christmas.. my kids weren't even with me nor are these gifts for them, but thanks Grinch!!~ This is why I try to do all my shopping before the last minute so I dont have to deal with the Grinches or those who forget the meaning of Christmas all together...
Here is another example.. I have a friend that has 3 kids and was all excited to tell me she bribed each of them to clean toys out because (get this) "Christmas is coming".. she was so proud even to go ahead and share that she snuck toys out without them knowing.. I stood scratching my head and smiled and told her "Congratulations!" I bet they learned that lesson huh?
Either way the scent of Christmas is for sure in the air and I am so excited...but please beware there are a few Grinches out there and a few who are obviously stressed out!~

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