Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Super Woman

Up, in the sky!It's a bird! It's a plane! No, it is my crazy self working 60 hours a week, taking care of 2 kiddos under the age of 3 and wondering why I am exausted!~

The superwoman thing has to do with wanting to do it all and do it well. I like the busy feeling- I thrive off of it. I like being a good friend, a good family member, a productive member of society, an honest but still polite coworker, a good mom. But I still want to be young, go out, have fun. I want to have it all and do it all.
But then there’s the drain of trying to do it all. It’s too much. It’s too hard, It’s exausting and It’s unnecessary. If I drew my lines like I should- if I went home after a 7 hr day, if I didn't carry around a blackberry I wouldn't be tied to work 24/7, if I had thought twice about how much work 2 kids so close together would be, if I only worked one of my jobs, if I had a house keeper, if I had a nanny. When was the last time I even watched a movie and didnt also check my email or write a blog post? Maybe if I forced myself to relax I would enjoy things more, relax more. Maybe drink more beers.... but there is never time.
The superwoman complex isn’t all bad- it pushes us to be better, to want more. It both motivates us and pressures us. It is us, only some days we wish it wasn’t. But other days, we can see that it makes all the difference in the world.

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