Monday, March 22, 2010

It has been brought to my attention....

I can make it thru Girl Scout cookie sales without one single cookie, I never even eat a candy bar, a few M&M's every now and then, sometimes the all famous chocolate thunder from down under makes the list. It has been brought to my attention that I have this crazy weakness for these damn marshmallows covered in sugar sparkles. Every year when spring rolls around I get all giddy because Peeps are sure to follow. Ahhh how I love thy Peeps. I think this weakness has gotten worse as now I find myself buying them for easter baskets and poof they are gone... I know they can't be good for my extra baby weight loaded figure BUT not sure how to kick this crazy voice in my head saying " go ahead eat them and stop by the local walmart later and replace what you took from your kids easter basket you bad momma" even with that voice not being nice I carry on..UGH. Hurry Easter hurry fast....and pass so these things go away.

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