Sunday, March 21, 2010

Bootie Bootie

For those of you have have little boys will love this one...for those of you that don't well you missed out! We made our yearly trip to the Austin Fair and Rodeo/ BBQ Cook-Off and like every year had a blast. This one stunt by my oldest made it all worth while this year. So we have been in the middle of potty training for quite some time and had a few set backs including my broken foot. Hard to follow thru when mommy can't walk. Anyway, we had a long day and were on our way out to go home. There was a band warming up on the stage and a big grass circle with picnic tables all the way around and benches. Needless to say there was NO ONE in the middle. Cooper took off in the middle danced a little jig then decided to sit down. Well if he was happy with the music heck we are all about hanging out to watch a live band. He had also gotten everyones attention.. you could hear them saying "awww look at the little boy he is so cute".... Blagh Blagh Blagh... they had no idea. As we stand there Cooper stands up and decides mother nature calls and who cares where you are... (kinda like his mommy) needless to say he proceeded to pull his pants down, diaper and all, right in the middle of the circle. Well then you hear all those people who thought he was so stinkin cute cackle at the top of their lungs. They all saw his Bootie shinin... by the time I tapped my hubby to go go go ... it was too late. I think my hubby was way more embarrassed than me or Cooper... I know it wasn't proper but heck I couldn't quit laughin. I am sure any mommy who ever tried to potty train little boys can relate. Like they say I think I may be paying for my raisen. Startin now!!~

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