Friday, January 22, 2010

Dunce=Time Out

As most of you know, I am on crutches and can do much of nothing. Although, my little boy thinks differently. A funny moment went something like this. Believe me it took all I had not to laugh he was really serious, but good thing is at least he has got the rules down...
Cooper: OK everybody downstairs.
Mommy: GO ahead Cooper mommy is right behind you
Cooper: o tay

few seconds later he comes back into my doorway and says while holding his little fingers up

Cooper: one, two, free, boor ..dat's it mommy time out!
Mommy: really cooper why is mommy going to time out?
Cooper: Twas you not wisten to me
Mommy: Well how long do I have to stay in time out?
Cooper: until you twink about it

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