Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Fun Fun and lots O wine~

Ahhh How I love this may not look like much but let me tell ya when you get past that top part it is ewwwy gooey brownie goodness. Did I mention their steaks are yummy too?

Heather Weatha and I decided to keep celebrating my birthday at a great steak house here in Austin my Favvvvvvv Sullivan"s..Yummy Yummy Tummy (as my little Boy says). It was so much fun I don't think I have literally sat in a restaurant for 4 hours and laughed and laughed some more...the wine was great the desert was even better. The funny part to the night any one who knows me my motto has always been "don't follow me I get lost going home" well guess what? WE DID.. we were staying downtown for an event an had walked over and sure enough got lost "turned around" going back. Maybe a little to much wine mixed up or GPS system. HA :0) Never fear we rocked it on out found our way and went out with the littles around town and man do they make ya feel old.. thought I was going to have to go ahead and buy stock in Depends Under Garments. lol... its ok I can still hang better than most I guess and always in for good times and lots of laughs with great co-workers and great old friends. thanks for making my birthday great and a month long event.

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