Thursday, September 1, 2011

WAY too close

As we pull back into town this is the sight we see...fires have broken out all over Austin. How scary? My husband begins to then find out his side of the family has been evacuated and affected by the fires. 2500 acres have now gone up in flames and it is still not under control. Several other fires have broken out around town. Some set by carelessness and then of course some set by kids having no idea what the implications would be . It got our family to thinking what exactly would you take if you really had to pack and we actually did the fire drill. Call me CRaZZZyyyy (as my little boy says) but heck you never know. So here is what we have a fire safe packed with passports, my original wedding bands, my moms rings, my pearls, old pictures, I copied all of my photos and music off of both computers and bought 2 hard drives and they are now in there. I also have back up money in there just in case. I put wedding license, insurance papers, wills, my hubby's release papers from the military and all the other basic junk.
My hubby and I talked if we get a chance to go back in for anything I want my wedding dress and the box of my kids baby clothes. I am actually thinking hard about buying another fire safe to put those items in... it isn't alot but for sure things you will never ever be able to replace. I just know as I am now older I have really appreciated the fact that my mother is a pack rat and saved all that stuff from when my brother and I were kiddos.
I feel so bad for the families that have lost everything and have to start all over from scratch. I am sure words can't describe what they are enduring. It is amazing that with all the acreage that has burnt only 5 lives have been lost. Godspeed to them all.

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