I like to call these my mommy glasses.. I went out to eat with my family last weekend and had what they call a Ahh-Haa moment. I think because I was single for so long I became good at what I call cross table entertainment. So basically this means any table around mine I can radar in on the conversation and hear almost every word and still look at my husband and act interested in what he is talking about and interrupt him in mid sentence and say "did you hear that" ..is she kidden?"
Before dinner we had a brief wait and a few girls in their 20's looked as though they had gathered for happy hour drinks were giggling and carrying on ...one continued to carry on about how her boyfriend put butter on everything..even her bread.. I mean she said it 30 times. Then the conversation carried on to Levi jeans how it was a disgrace to wear them. Really? ummm So we sat still waiting to be called for our seat looking thru my mommy glasses as an older couple stood across the room smiling at our kids and as I sit drinking a beer out of a fish bowl thinking "god if they only knew the week I have had!!"..HELL surely they have kids she has been thru it she prolly has mommy glasses broken, twisted,& shoved somewhere in a drawer I am sure she KNOWS.. how damn hard it is to hold it all together!! Fu*K who cares if I wear Levis or if I have butter on my bread.. or if the older couple thinks I am of the devil for drinking a damn beer.. I DONT CARE.. I birthed these two damn kids I wear my own rose colored glasses and drink my beer with pride damit.. and listen to these conversations and giggle.
Then while we are sitting on the bench this lady leans over to ask how old my little is I say oh 21 months she says oh really mine is 19 months.. I am looking around like really cause I see no kid.. look up and he is clear across the room with his hand stuck up the bubble gum machine.. kinda funny cause as the night went on he was the kid that ended up at the back of the restaurant by us no parent in site for over 15 minutes.. his parents were somewhat (WHole LoTTA) over weight and stood up at the front and waited on him just to come to the front.. REAllY?? ok so the ROse on my glasses got a little red I was having to explain to my kids how that wasn't the right thing to be doing.. My oldest thought a monster was going to take him home.. umm yeah ok might be better for us all at this point honey!! yeah that was interesting conversation.. kinda messed up my cross table entertainment for a minute.. cause get this...
Ginzel "little man syndrome" and hottie hot sat down beside us not sure why she went on a date with this dude BUT she did.. my hubby knew this one was so over.. so just of the story went like this he had been married for super short time she was drilling him about why he got divorced he had no good answer imagine that.. he was trying to pump her full of Mexican martinis.. it was just so typical.. of course so funny I had mommy glasses on having flash backs and shaking my head... I rested at ease when she was flirting with my oldest. She then turned kinda for my approval and said I have a one year old at home.. ahh yeah ok well maybe just maybe she is safe not to fall for J-Hole across the table. One would hope!! So funny how you see things so different makes me wonder for real how my parents really kept their mouth shut and didn't say more than they did all those years. hummm. Anyway, I worked hard very hard to get these glasses and wouldn't trade em for the world.. just amazes me how different the world looks thru these things!! I guess once we each put them on we never really get to take them back off.. do we?? Oh and did I mention the fact how my husband cant stand that I can over hear all of this conversation and still keep up with his and get on to my 2 kids too...call it being a mommy!!