Thursday, February 11, 2010


So I have to share this story, I think it is funny but my husband saw NO humor. Most of you know I am out of commission. Thanks to my great big gift from Santa this year. Therefore, that means my hubby has had to pick up my slack plus his own. That includes picking the boys up from school everyday. He had them all picked up and home. He gets our oldest of 2 out of the truck first so he comes around the truck with my hubby. My Hubby opens our garage door and proceeds around to the other side to get the youngest out. Normally, the oldest is on a bug hunt while you get the baby out BUT not this particular day....As the garage door is opening guess what??????
My oldest decides to grab a hold of the garage door handle..yeah so he is going right on up with it. My hubby like most men are very focused on the job at hand so no eyes out of the back of the head like Mommies have... my hubby turns around to see our kiddo hanging onto the handle of the garage door and his feet a swinging and the door still moving. My hubby saw a small glimpse of his future flash in front of his eyes. I would not have thought he was strong enough to hold on to the door that long as it was moving BUT I was wrong. Da Hubby runs over to let little man down...they both enter the house with a weird somber.
The Hubby says "tell Mommy what you did"
So my oldest proceeds to explain and did a pretty good job.. He is in the middle of saying "me don't know"" after every question you ask him. When he knows the answer. So I thought FOR SURE when I said "well why did you do that" I would get the usual "me don't know, Sorry mommy!" BUT NO.. he had a reason and knew it. "Twas me go high high in da sky mommy.. pssheeewwww like a rocket ship to da moon" while my hubby is still trying to get his whits back about him.. I can't help but laugh, as I explain how you should never ever do that again. Ahhh the great times of having boys and I am sure that is the mild version for what is yet to come. No Fear I tell ya!~

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