Friday, August 12, 2011

Friday Day Dreaming

I have to say I was so so excited when I saw this posted on a friends blog. I had to share and post my own... I tend to do this day dreaming thing alot these days. Here is one that I love to daydream about that takes me back to such a great week..

A wonderful week with my wonderful new husband in a small town outside of Playa Del Carmen, Mexico for our Honeymoon. We had no real plans which is not normal for me and had gone into town for the day to walk around. Decided to take a seat have a beer under a straw roof at a bar called Tortuga. Sun was shining and all of a sudden it was pouring rain we both looked up and these gorgeous flowers that were across from us just draping down. I have since remembered that day just by this one picture as we sat and shared the dreams we had in store for our new life together. At that point in life we were told we would never have kids and wondered if whoever "they" were was right. It was crazy the way God just all of a sudden laughed (sunshine) and cried (rain) with us all in the same day it was great. We both cherish this picture and I daydream about it often. Funny how things take you back to that moment in time. We now have two very dear blessings of children and I so say god was there with us that day and heard us talking. I call them God Whispers and I think he was "whispering" in his own way when the rain started.. call me crazy but I have ALOT of faith. I love to daydream and I will go back to these flowers and I will cut some trimmings off this time to bring home to share with my dear little blessings and enjoy every single day of waking up and looking at these beautiful flowers. Godspeed and bless you all!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I absolutely believe that God was telling you to have faith in his plan!! What an awesome story - definitely my favorite daydream of the week!

Thanks for linking up! I hope you come back next week!

