Not sure if the rest of you out there feel this way... but you know me I am going to throw my 2 cents out there. I think the Haiti earthquake was awful. I can't even imagine being in that situation nor do I ever want any of us to have to experience such a thing. I see the pictures on the news and tear up at all those babies with no choices. Half the country is pregnant mothers and the other half reportedly have AIDS. Really,they make 2 bucks a day...and still sing and smile in the streets with all the mayhem around them.. God Bless them all...
BUT here is my beef.. George Clooney gathered the troops for "Hope For Haiti" to take up an entire night on several different networks. I understand there were over 63 celebs and raised around $57 million. So now lets do the math, if everyone of them donated at least a million that would put us to 63 Million then you always got Oprah who throws in a few of her millions. Then add in all the just $10 dollar contributions they were asking for us to donate. Haiti would be all set...right. I mean did all those celebrities not donate?? I heard of a few that gave a million dollar donations (thank you Leonardo, Sandra & whomever else made that list). Then you have Lady GaGa who performed a show and donated every last single penny to the people in Haiti separate from the $58 million dollar marathon. I think that is simply amazing..and wonderful. Here is my question where are all these big ole celebs and heroes when 911 happened? Where were they for Katrina? Where were they for Ike (one of the largest hurricanes to hit the US)? You sure don't hear about them stepping up to the plate ,to that magnitude, for any of OUR causes and natural disasters. Not that it is all on one group of people (the Celebs) to gather the troops to make a difference. Hey I am just sayin if you have that kind of power and make that kind of money off of one single film or album looks like you could give back and help your own country..FIRST. We have families who can't afford their home and without jobs. We have people on the street living in the cold, we have millions of sick kids. We have people all over our country in need of just a little help. WHY not help our country first? That's all I am sayin.....
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